Tuesday, September 30, 2008

For the kids...do you know what is holding the National Monument together? Hint...the same thing that is pulling me down (no comments from the adults!)


Watts Family said...

why don't you want comments from adults :)

daveandjoel@yahoo.com said...

because Jaci....she doesn't want us to give away the answer duhhhhhhhhhhhh!
(Like we know it) Is a hint: John Mayer song?
Nice picture, by the way!

Mike & Donna Staples said...

I love this picture the way the clouds look and everything...and I took it out of a moving bus!

daveandjoel@yahoo.com said...

Donna...that is very tricky of you to be able to take that picture on a moving bus! Way to go ;)But seriously...it's really good!